
  • Evaluation algorithm improvement in the DynaRoot / DynaTree software

    Due to recent findings, we decided to implement a stricter evaluation procedure.

    The new algorithm only takes the measurement points that are exhibiting the highest inclination (as indicated in the image above). For this reason, the function fitted to the data will match the critical, high inclination points better. This will result in a lower safety factor (SF).

    In the past we have verified DynaRoot / DynaTree measurements by comparing them to Pulling Test results. This showed a good correlation and gave us confidence in the system. We have also received feedback confirming this correlation from our users. However seeing the recent uprooting, we are forced to implement changes to the algorithm.

    Please note that the previously measured safety factors will become around 40% lower than before with the new algorithm. We understand that it is a serious change but we need to stand on the side of safety. Thank you for your understanding.

  • Root Detector 2.7 software & manual update

    During last 2 months the Root Detector software has undergone a major overhaul.

    Example measurement

    New features

    • Support for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
    • Measurements are grouped into rings
    • Ring layout is modifiable after measurement (radius and step size)
    • Completely rewritten manual
    • New visualization: grid, units display, image export
    • New parameter: root collar diameter for more precise velocity calculation


    New sensor layout (ring) editor



    Sensor positions for diameters below 80cm (3 start sensor positions)

    Along with the manual, we have also created new animations for illustrating the sensor positioning during measurement.

    Sensor positions for diameters above 80cm (4 start sensor positions)


  • EN1991 Biomechanics in Pulling-test v1.8

    Today we release Pulling-test v1.8 with support for EN1991 based biomechanics. The new version is available form our Downloads page.


    Download PDF manual for using the new EN1991 biomechanics.

    Video demonstration